Friday, March 9, 2007

Google Earth Rocks

I am totally into google earth again at the moment. I never used it much because I was on dial up.
What sparked me off again was that I happened across a cool link in my Nat Geo newletter this morning and loaded it up… a .kmz file, which opens in Google Earth. There’s been an update or two since i last was using it too - there’s some cool new things I hadn’t seen like user photo links and stuff.
Also found Google Earth Blog which I am keeping for good look later.
Spent ages on Google Earth this evening with a mate in the states (who I am visiting in a few weeks!) scouring over the terrain and stuff around his house - it’s very cool, especially when you tilt the view so it is more like a fly over than a birds eye look down. And you can turn on 3d buildings, parks and recreation areas, geographical features and shops and stuff - FOR THE WHOLE WORLD!
Check it out if you haven’t or crack it open again if you have it already - and check out the GoogleEarth showcase

Monday, March 5, 2007


On Sunday I ran my first ever race! (well, since I was 11 and at school…).
This was a HUGE deal for me and just to make it super exciting it was a mountain race called The Gutbuster. It basically follows the fence around the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary and is 11.8km long.
The first half; totally lives up to it’s name!
It was a full on effort and I loved it. Although I did have heat stroke for a few hours afterwards which made the work I had to do for work difficult.
I was number 406 and my goal was to get home before lunch time.
Of course that was when I thought my start time woudl be 8:30am… by 930am I am having to readjust my goal. However I was fully surprised at halfway (The Windturbine that looks out over Wellington city) to find that with mostly downhill left to go I had only used up almost an hour!
Wellington Wind Turbine
I ended up getting back in just under two hours and I am fully impressed with myself.
(official time 1:53.59) No t-shirt, but I did get a banana and a frisbee on the finish line LOL!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Impossible is Nothing

‘persistence is what makes the impossible possible, the possible likely, and the likely definite. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING’