Started with some drama - two bits... then I had to rush and rush to get to a meeting in town - during which my phone rang (my cell never rings - lucky it is on vibrate and only I noticed!) - meeting went very well.
Got out of meeting and got on my phone to check my message to find that not only had the money FINALLy gone through for my "new" little green truck - but it had gone through TWICE!!! MWUuwhAHhaHAHAHhaHA
Everyone I tell freaks out but it is ok.. the people are real nice and I trust them which is why I am buying a vehicle off them!
So at that stage of the day (10AM) they still had said little green truck AND 8000$ LOL!
(A bit of background on the LGT - it's a vehicle I have been thinking about and researching getting for over a year.. I am a bit of a miser with my money as I never had financial security until the last few years so I am extremely unlikely to spend my money.... finally got lucky and got this LGT for a very good price and it is in amazing condition)
I go back to my office to call the LGT people and giggle about the mix up (this is number three of a series of special bonding screw ups between them and I over this vehicle... it was my turn to do something because the last two were theirs.. including a 360degree spin out during the test drive of the vehicle on some icy road loL!) and I giggle and giggle whiel I am walking into my office and I giggle and giggle when I pick up the phoen to call them and I giggle and giggle after I hang up (my office mate, by this stage, has left the room because my giggling does not include her) and I giggle and giggle some more when my phone rings... and it's the dentist.
I stop giggling.
But I get a surprise dentist visit - this is the best way to do the dentist thing I have decided. "You have fifteen mins to get here and I will do that tooth you have been nagging me to do". I don't have time to stress about the cost or the pain.. I have to just get there as quick as I can!
And now my front tooth which has had a filling hanging out of it after everything I bite for months, is FIXED!
Then I gallop up tot he sanctuary because I have a class arriving for the afternoon and that went very very well! Connection with the kids and gettign them engaged in what's happening up there is very rewarding.
THEN I leave my little grey car at home and walk into town to pick up my LGT!!! It's WONDERFUL - although, I am sad to not be whizzing in my little grey car which I love very much and has been very good to me.
THEN I get some GREAT seat covers for my LGT!!! Check them out!!!
of course the bad thing about them is that the picture is on the side I can't see... LOL!
So that's most of my day.. other things that haven't made mention for various reasons include A trust meeting (515pm until 8pm...), reporting to trust boards, afghan cookies, pottymouthchat, upgrading my virtual car to a '36 jag ss100, Casablanca, dishes, vaccuuming, soup, kindling, feijoas, antique ANZAC pin, and sparkling clementine.
Next steps: a hotwater bottle and david attenborough doco and some sleeps.