The movie I saw last night was Garage Warrior.... amazing film, by Oliver Hodge, about a 'sustainable futures' architect, called Micheal Reynolds, who has been experimenting with self sustainable housing design in New Mexico for 30 or so years.
He has designed and been part of the building of "earthships" and earth ship communities in a place called Taos in New Mexico (which looks like a dry godforsakenly wretched barren place to me!).
At the end of the 90s he was stripped of his architectual license because experiemental housing does not fit in with the codes, rules and regulations in most places. He then spent 8 or so years trying to get a bill passed in New Mexico to allow people to create and experiment with new sustainble housing concepts on test sites (we test all sorts of other things like BOMBS.. so why not housing...) his houses are great - they need no power or sewage or water lines. They incorporate greenhouse features to grow a range of vegetables and fruit.
His designs are very popular in other places in the world and after the tsunami he was asked to go and help people rebuild sustainable housing - also in places hit by hurricanes.
When the architectual board in the US saw the work he had done for the boxing day tsunami people they gave him back his license and soon after that the bill passed in his state to allow sustainable housing testing.
He builds the houses with earth packed tyres, earth and plastic bottles and beer cans. They are amazing structures (although some are pretty 'ugly' I guess as they are free form structures and very unconventional).
You can check out the website and watch the trailer here
I am seriously considering sending him a wee thankyou card after watching the frustration and resilience he showed through the whole process of dealing with the senate over the experimental housing bill in New Mexico. GOODNESS!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Truth is Irrelevant
The more I live life the more I lean towards truth being irrelevant.
Perception is all important and it is an individual thing.
Something that is true for me exists as truth in my perception.
You can have a totally different perception that can still be true to you at the same time my totally different and seemingly contradictory truth is true for me.
I think it is cool when people argue that their perception of truth is truth because then these two or more different truths exist simultaneously.
I like to live in a world where simultaneous truths exist. I don't think one person's truth means another person's truth is not true! If it is the perception they are living by it is certainly true for them!
Facts are human perception of truth and not the truth itself.
I think (without having spent too much time thunking on it) that even science doesn't prove real truth. It concludes a best guess at truth based on the knowledge and technology of the humans percieving it. Many of the things science is not able to prove currently are because we as perceiving humans have yet to invent the knowledge, method or technology to perceive it. That does not prove something is not true. When we create new technology (eg: better microscopes or whatever) a new "truth" emerges.
"All roads lead to Rome" and I believe sciences and religions are some of those roads that will lead people, via their own perceptions, to the same destination.
This is my truth.
If it differs from your truth that just proves my truth *winks*
Perception is all important and it is an individual thing.
Something that is true for me exists as truth in my perception.
You can have a totally different perception that can still be true to you at the same time my totally different and seemingly contradictory truth is true for me.
I think it is cool when people argue that their perception of truth is truth because then these two or more different truths exist simultaneously.
I like to live in a world where simultaneous truths exist. I don't think one person's truth means another person's truth is not true! If it is the perception they are living by it is certainly true for them!
Facts are human perception of truth and not the truth itself.
I think (without having spent too much time thunking on it) that even science doesn't prove real truth. It concludes a best guess at truth based on the knowledge and technology of the humans percieving it. Many of the things science is not able to prove currently are because we as perceiving humans have yet to invent the knowledge, method or technology to perceive it. That does not prove something is not true. When we create new technology (eg: better microscopes or whatever) a new "truth" emerges.
"All roads lead to Rome" and I believe sciences and religions are some of those roads that will lead people, via their own perceptions, to the same destination.
This is my truth.
If it differs from your truth that just proves my truth *winks*
Friday, September 5, 2008
TEOTWAWKI* or Why the World WON'T End on Sept 10 - you decide
I must admit I have been surprised lately that surprizingly few people are talking about the imminent impending doom that could happen, rather inauspiciously, next Wednesday.
Bigger than tax increases, bigger than inflation, bigger than world food shortages, bigger than Ben Hur (and the Titanic), and even bigger than *gasp* ‘global warming’.
What could be bigger than global warming I hear you ask…
how about NO GLOBE at all!!
Next week scientists, in an underground lab in Switzerland, will switch on a machine that has been created with the involvement and funding of 85 countries, 8000 scientists and bas been 20 years in the making - namely the large hadron collider (LHC)... a massive atom smasher designed to recreate the big bang, (the moment when the earth was formed).
You can perhaps forgive some people for thinking this will create a massive black hole that will swallow the earth and trying various methods to stop it (which failed, obviously).
In light of this some people are pretty worried.. what do you think?
Personally, I am so distractingly awed looking at this picture by it's scientific symmetrical beauty I am not really compelled to think of the impended doom part right now
You can find out more info on these links
Wiki’s LHC page
LHC set to start a big bang of scientific discovery
Tests clear way for "Big Bang" experiment
So, it's TEOTWAWKI .... and I feel fine....
* TEOTWAWKI = the end of the world as we know it....
Bigger than tax increases, bigger than inflation, bigger than world food shortages, bigger than Ben Hur (and the Titanic), and even bigger than *gasp* ‘global warming’.
What could be bigger than global warming I hear you ask…
how about NO GLOBE at all!!
Next week scientists, in an underground lab in Switzerland, will switch on a machine that has been created with the involvement and funding of 85 countries, 8000 scientists and bas been 20 years in the making - namely the large hadron collider (LHC)... a massive atom smasher designed to recreate the big bang, (the moment when the earth was formed).
You can perhaps forgive some people for thinking this will create a massive black hole that will swallow the earth and trying various methods to stop it (which failed, obviously).
In light of this some people are pretty worried.. what do you think?
Personally, I am so distractingly awed looking at this picture by it's scientific symmetrical beauty I am not really compelled to think of the impended doom part right now
You can find out more info on these links
Wiki’s LHC page
LHC set to start a big bang of scientific discovery
Tests clear way for "Big Bang" experiment
So, it's TEOTWAWKI .... and I feel fine....
* TEOTWAWKI = the end of the world as we know it....
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
You are what you eat....
These days Shine is extremely aware and, in fact, wary of what she consumes (and generally what she buys and uses, truth be told). I seek out and purchase organic or free-range produce where I can, fully scrutinize labels and research products online.
One could certainly not make a solid claim that I am one of the masses living in apathy and denial that just because someone is allowed to sell it/buy it then it must be good for you (or even ok for you for that matter).
However there are certain things that one knows are just horrid but one finds it rather hard to resist them at every juncture.
One of these things is the good old humble meat pie.
A piping hot, readily available traditional NZ meal on the run.
Behold; The Pie.
When I was young I liked pies but they were easier to avoid then because the majority of them had PEAS in them. Now days I like peas but that is mostly because I can cook them how I like and how I don't like them is steamed-to-crap* all day in a boiling hot pie until they are mushy and bring to mind the texture of perished elastic.
These days most pies I happen to encounter at most junctures do not contain peas.
Most of us think of pies as gloriously lush meaty goodness encased in delicious pastry and feel very little inclination (in an ignorance-is-bliss kinda way) to limit one's consumption of said (alleged!) meaty goodness.
Some of us are more educated (ie: not in denial) and are fully conscious of the fact that pies probably (in the very least) contain at least a golf ball of fatty lard per hand sized pie (and know that this does not include the pastry...) *drool*
And some of us (and when I say us here I actually mean me) are not apathetic to the wily and comsumeristic nature of the business world and have an inkling that there is much darker business at hand than this and generally liek to not dwell on this as we know if we did we would eat them even less than we already sensibly do (or don't as the case may be!).
Well... for the sake of an interesting blog entry I must dwell and you should listen.
In the olden days, pies and sausages and such were actually made with up to 85% MEAT, with some bread crumbs and herbs and such thrown in. Now days these kind of pies and sausages are more for the high end market and the general everyday mass produced pie are made very differently.
Excuse the pun but I am not going to MINCE words here... in NZ and Aussie, for a meat pie to be a meat pie it must only contain 25% of actual MEAT and (it should be more disturbing to note) the species of animal from which the meat is derived must be identified in the ingredients list (the reason for adding this wee snippet will become clearer down further...).
This in itself is quite a thought when one thunks on it but it is actually (and rather sickeningly) not the worst of it and not even the worst of it when you find out that most pies actually don't even have THAT much meat.
Tests have been done and consumer watch dogs are monitoring pies and weighing and recording the MEAT content of MEAT pies down under.
Yes. I did say that was not the worst of it... I am compelled (and I do not apologise!) to put this thought in your head...
There is the horrible and quite disgustifying fact that the vitally critical and important factor here (and if you are determined to continue enjoying your MEAT PIE treats please look away RIGHT NOW) is that the very DEFINITION OF MEAT needs to also be pondered upon and considered!
If you are an in-denial-pie-eater and you have gone as far as to accept the fact that pies contain at least a golf ball of fat and still indulge yourself every now and then accepting consquences and such, please keep in mind that you would not be silly to assume that the very least percentage of the MEAT in the food industry's definition of meat** (which the pie makers, who are, after all, out to make money NOT actually provide you with a good wholesome healthy nutritional meal) is actually the thing YOU consider to be >>MEAT<<.
NB: This is so much of a concern that currently there is an application before the food standards board of Australia to amend the Definition of Meat Pies "to ensure that meat pies can only contain ‘meat flesh’ and not just ‘meat’."
This is obviously one of those tough issues to resolve (bringing to my mind the similar but on a vastly more grand and sinister scale issue of the sugar industry conspiracy) because the application is dated as being recieved Sept 2003...
* steamed-to-crap is not at all swearing and is, in fact, a technical culinary term...
**meat means the whole or part of the carcass (the whole carcass including, you know... BITS) of any buffalo, camel, (CAMEL!!!!!!!) cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit or sheep, slaughtered other than in a wild state, but (thankfully...) does not include –
(a) the whole or part of the carcass of any other animal (umm... after reading that I am too flabbergasted to actually call to mind ANY other animal...) unless permitted for human consumption under a law of a State, Territory or New Zealand; or
(b) avian eggs, or foetuses or part of foetuses.
errr... pie anyone (you can have mine!!!)
One could certainly not make a solid claim that I am one of the masses living in apathy and denial that just because someone is allowed to sell it/buy it then it must be good for you (or even ok for you for that matter).
However there are certain things that one knows are just horrid but one finds it rather hard to resist them at every juncture.
One of these things is the good old humble meat pie.
A piping hot, readily available traditional NZ meal on the run.
Behold; The Pie.
When I was young I liked pies but they were easier to avoid then because the majority of them had PEAS in them. Now days I like peas but that is mostly because I can cook them how I like and how I don't like them is steamed-to-crap* all day in a boiling hot pie until they are mushy and bring to mind the texture of perished elastic.
These days most pies I happen to encounter at most junctures do not contain peas.
Most of us think of pies as gloriously lush meaty goodness encased in delicious pastry and feel very little inclination (in an ignorance-is-bliss kinda way) to limit one's consumption of said (alleged!) meaty goodness.
Some of us are more educated (ie: not in denial) and are fully conscious of the fact that pies probably (in the very least) contain at least a golf ball of fatty lard per hand sized pie (and know that this does not include the pastry...) *drool*
And some of us (and when I say us here I actually mean me) are not apathetic to the wily and comsumeristic nature of the business world and have an inkling that there is much darker business at hand than this and generally liek to not dwell on this as we know if we did we would eat them even less than we already sensibly do (or don't as the case may be!).
Well... for the sake of an interesting blog entry I must dwell and you should listen.
In the olden days, pies and sausages and such were actually made with up to 85% MEAT, with some bread crumbs and herbs and such thrown in. Now days these kind of pies and sausages are more for the high end market and the general everyday mass produced pie are made very differently.
Excuse the pun but I am not going to MINCE words here... in NZ and Aussie, for a meat pie to be a meat pie it must only contain 25% of actual MEAT and (it should be more disturbing to note) the species of animal from which the meat is derived must be identified in the ingredients list (the reason for adding this wee snippet will become clearer down further...).
This in itself is quite a thought when one thunks on it but it is actually (and rather sickeningly) not the worst of it and not even the worst of it when you find out that most pies actually don't even have THAT much meat.
Tests have been done and consumer watch dogs are monitoring pies and weighing and recording the MEAT content of MEAT pies down under.
Yes. I did say that was not the worst of it... I am compelled (and I do not apologise!) to put this thought in your head...
There is the horrible and quite disgustifying fact that the vitally critical and important factor here (and if you are determined to continue enjoying your MEAT PIE treats please look away RIGHT NOW) is that the very DEFINITION OF MEAT needs to also be pondered upon and considered!
If you are an in-denial-pie-eater and you have gone as far as to accept the fact that pies contain at least a golf ball of fat and still indulge yourself every now and then accepting consquences and such, please keep in mind that you would not be silly to assume that the very least percentage of the MEAT in the food industry's definition of meat** (which the pie makers, who are, after all, out to make money NOT actually provide you with a good wholesome healthy nutritional meal) is actually the thing YOU consider to be >>MEAT<<.
NB: This is so much of a concern that currently there is an application before the food standards board of Australia to amend the Definition of Meat Pies "to ensure that meat pies can only contain ‘meat flesh’ and not just ‘meat’."
This is obviously one of those tough issues to resolve (bringing to my mind the similar but on a vastly more grand and sinister scale issue of the sugar industry conspiracy) because the application is dated as being recieved Sept 2003...
* steamed-to-crap is not at all swearing and is, in fact, a technical culinary term...
**meat means the whole or part of the carcass (the whole carcass including, you know... BITS) of any buffalo, camel, (CAMEL!!!!!!!) cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit or sheep, slaughtered other than in a wild state, but (thankfully...) does not include –
(a) the whole or part of the carcass of any other animal (umm... after reading that I am too flabbergasted to actually call to mind ANY other animal...) unless permitted for human consumption under a law of a State, Territory or New Zealand; or
(b) avian eggs, or foetuses or part of foetuses.
errr... pie anyone (you can have mine!!!)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Bedtime and The Socks
I like that feeling after you have been in bed for a while, then you take off your socks.
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