Monday, November 30, 2009

My Garden Rocks

Dinner tonight included three items grown myself and supported the leaning into the 21 day cleanse...
Thai Lamb salad.
NOTE: Did not grow my own lamb
NOTE2: Lamb exactly NOT one of things on cleanse list but does contribute towards cleaning out my freezer and fridge of things not on cleanse list before I start so they dont' go to waste (and not, that's not an excuse not to start it's is part of the be more consious and don't waste stuff philosophy that fits well with the 21 day cleanse ideals I'm sure!)

Tomorrow will be Dec and then I woudl have 21 days before xmas to do the cleanse... but, I still have a free range chicken in the fridge and haven't got the book in the mail yet.
I figure I will have cooked up the chicken by week's end thenthere's just freerange pork and fennel sausages (x2) and then I'd be set.
However.. do I want my first day of uncleanse to be XMAS DAY... LOL! I'd spend it throwing up no doubt or at the very least disappointing some poor exvited xmas day chef.

Must dwell more on this, although not long to dwell.
I have a thought today that perhaps 21 days will turn into 365 days of doing something radically different that i coudl blog about every day.
Ok, one thing to dwell on at a time.

Note to self: John Campbell will be doign a bit on the meaning of "free range" this week. He's great (and I am not just saying that coz he twittered me the other night)!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Josh Madden, Edward Scissorhands, The Crow and Heath Ledger's Joker

So, lately, (and I think I can hold Aussie Idol and Rove accountable) I have found myself drawn to the Madden Lads. I don't listen to Good Charlotte (although I know who they are) and don't have any Good Charlotte music (although the song they played accoustic on Aussie Idol I do like so maybe I will check some out). I have, however, been following Joel's (and Benji's and Nicole's for that matter) tweets.

For some reason in my Madden following I found this blog and for some reason I thought it was Joel's... (which leads me to an embarassing twitter gaff that I just realise I have just made by tweeting to Joel to ask him something about the post I am about to refer to in this entry... *blushes with embarassment* - Josh is actually Benji and Joel's least now I know why in my head I keep calling Joel, Josh... thank god I don't know these people!!)

Putting aside my embarassment for a few mins, this entry got me to thinking about two things.
Firstly - my pie blog post that I made way back last year sometime which is probably a reblog from an eariler blog entry ( I think because of the research and the linking and such) and
Secondly - I wonder if there is a link from the stuff he found links to and to Heath Ledger's Joker - coz Brandon Leee in the Crow reminds me a lot of Heath's version of The Joker (which is the embarassing thing I just asked JOEL in twitter when I THOUGHT I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time when he twittered that he would answer the first 10 twitter questions *sighs in more embarassment*).

Ok, back to my embarassment now. *blushes* Man, I hope Joel does actually ignore what I tweeted to him and I don't get "lucky" like I did when John Campbell tweeted me back the other day.
*slinks away to do mantras of self forgiveness*

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Two fings

Got up early to crank up the PC. Starting the recovery scan on the broken external drive from a few months ago... don't know why I didn't think to do this sooner instead of sending it down to my IT buddy who wasn't able to fix this one.
He has previously dehoused seemingly dead drives for me and rehomed them in a desktop pc and they are fine and dandy... this one however is a laptop size external so no joy.. until now!
Scan is working!
Time elapsed: 32 mins Processing block: 1444800 of 4882818 Remaining time: 1:18:43 ....
Next issue will be finding space to recover the files too... very little on the PC hence the need for externals!

Had opportunity to get a terrabyte external recently but NONO - bugger putting ALL my preciousness on one drive and loosing the lot in one foul swoop...bad enough loosing 5 seasons of Top Gear all in one hit, can't imagine the depths of depression I would delve into if all my QI and BBC docos went as well!

In other news - I have some 21 day cleanse updates.
I have a rewards card for a big NZ book store chain and they emailed me telling me I would get 20% off if I ordered books from their website.. so off I surfed. Found the Quantum Wellness main book for 23$ (which is the book the physical store told me they don't have in the country and that it wouldn't arrive here until after xmas...) and thought.. ooO and I get 20% off!
Except I don't coz I screwed up the order in my excitedness and totally missed the spot where one would intelligently enter their rewards card number.

No response to pathetic followup email asking if some kind soul could please remedy my err.

OK.. sitting on floor watching process typing on laptop not helping - only inducing cramp AND pins and needles in left foot!

Still over an hour remaining.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wind and the Night Stakes

You know how I said it was windy... well, it still is.

Last night I was outside in the dark and wind with my head torch staking up my sunflowers and tomatoes which weren't gonna stand another night of the weird gusty strong wind of never before...

21 day cleanse

never dieted before in my life...

But wanted to let you all know, in my casual leaning in to a more healthy food instake that aligns better with my spiritual outlook, I am going to soon embark on a version of Kathy Freston's 21 day cleanse and blog about it (just for a bit of accountability).

Was gonna do this soon but as my brother pointed out, when i invited him to join me virtually and make it a joint quest of sorts... the timing is not so flash with xmas approaching... LOL!

Stay tuned!

it's windy

very windy.

EDIT: Please note: This post is not food related...