New white whale spotted
"A new white humpback has been sighted off Byron Bay on the east coast of Australia.
The newcomer, which was filmed by a television news helicopter, has excited marine scientists who think it may be related to Migaloo - to date, the only known all-white humpback whale.
Migaloo is somewhat of a celebrity down under. Why? "Because as far as we know, he is globally unique," said Professor Peter Harrison from the Whale Research Centre, Southern Cross University.
It now seems that Migaloo, (whose Aboriginal name means "white fellow") might have competition."
The last line there is the kind of thing that exasperates me about the most journalism and reporting. The competition they are referring to is for the media spotlight. Migaloo has been a ratings boon for various reporters and news sites and tv stations since he was first sighted by people. I can understand it.. I find him as interesting as all get out and I already LOVED humpback whales. But seriously… the whales don’t even have a perception of the media reporting on them other than the annoying fact that almost every time they come up for air in Aussie waters some helicopter or another is buzzing over them or some boat is polluting their sound reception systems with unimaginably annoying frequencies of noise.
The competition they are referring to is of their own creation and if they had a splattering of anything other than creating more money for themselves they would not make such statements.
Although predominantly white, the new whale does have some black markings near its head and tail. So who is the newcomer?
A white calf was spotted with a normal humpback mother in Byron Bay two years ago. Experts say the new whale could be the offspring of Migaloo but further tests need to be carried out.
This last sentence makes me cross at the “scientists”. Further tests NEED to be carried out??? Who are you kidding? Leave the whites whales alone! You are creating a reason to hunt, chase, SAMPLE these creatures for the satisfaction of your own human ego selves. If you need something to do go and create a humane instant kill system and give it to the Japanese. THAT is something that will help the whales in the here and now.
There is a bit more article so click the article title above to check it out if you want.
Sites about migaloo, wiki and Migaloo's aussie site (note the term MARKETING at the top of the page *sigh*)
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