Monday, August 3, 2015


3 Aug 2015
Dear Quentin,

On this day, that celebrates the first day that your brother drew breathe in this world, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the crucially important role you have played in raising him and guiding him through the world to this day.

You were his first friend and playmate.
You have been his constant companion.
Memories of you go back as far as he can remember.
Of all the people he knows, you have been with him the longest.

You two can communicate with a look and you speak the same language of shared life experience, movie quotes and  song lyrics. You share memories of family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys, good times and the truly terrible.

You have practically the same sense of humor. You grew up with the same jokes and watched the same funny shows.
You feel free to share things with him and laugh about stuff that others might judge you for, because he finds them funny too!
You are the one that makes him laugh the hardest and you laugh with him.
You were there, influencing him and encouraging him forward, as his personality developed.

Neither of you realize it but he looks up to you.
He has seen you at your worst and the world didn’t end and he still wants to be like you in so many ways… and then (of course) he strives to be better than you at as many things as he can (but only because he saw you do it so he knows he must be able to as well!).

Nobody will ever be able to tolerate (or forgive) your craziness like he does.
I thank you for being the one that forgives and tolerates his craziness as well.

One day he’ll ask for fashion advice, dating advice and even career advice when he’s ready because he values your opinion.

You and Dylan are lucky because you don’t have to work at keeping a relationship with your brother going like you do to keep a friendship going.
The two of you will always be able to pick up anytime, right where you left off – whether you talked to him an hour ago, two months ago or two years ago (don’t EVER go that long without talking to your brother!).
You are the person he talks about the most. He doesn’t share very much with people he doesn’t know well but when he does you feature as a main character in his stories. Being a big brother can often be better than being a superhero! (I have seen that quoted somewhere and now I know what it’s about!).
Even with me he doesn’t shutup about you. He can’t help himself. You have to know he loves you.

And when the day is done and the world feels like it’s all a confused tumble and we are drained of energy and feel depleted… it is those times we need someone to simply be there… not to fix anything, say anything or do anything but just so our heart knows we are not alone in the world… and you do that for him.
You are that person that he can sit in a room with without having to say anything at all and be completely comfortable, relaxed, rested and recharge himself – and that is a rare and valuable gift you give him.

He will be in your heart for a lifetime.

Whether either of you realize it or not – or if he ever realizes it or not ….you will always be the person he is most comfortable with; the person he can really be himself with.

Being a big brother is a responsiblity and that’s something you didn’t ask for. It can feel like a burden at times but from his point of view you get a bunch of firsts he will never get.
You are paving the way to being a man for him.
Because of you he can try anything that you do.
Your presence in this world gives him confidence, strength and courage to be bigger, brighter and bolder than us all.
That is a role you can be proud of.

Thank you for always just being there when he needed someone to watch something with, rap to, be with, complain to, hug, game with, talk to, swear with, fart on, yell at, sing with, leap on, eat with, sleep near, laugh with and generally bug the crap out of.

You are valued and appreciated.

Big brothers rock…and don’t you forget it!


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