Thursday, January 22, 2009

Seven Pounds of Pissed Off (NB: contains spoilers for film)

AGAIN I SAY: If you plan on seeing a much better than reviewed Will Smith movie and don't want it to be spoiled by finding out what happens then skip reading my blog today.

I reckon I'd be super pissed if I had a rare blood type and a congenital heart defect and this amazing man came into my life who was good and kind and smart and caring and he told me he loved me and talked about marriage and having kids with me then he went home and lay in a bath of ice with a poisonous jelly fish so I could live a longer life with his heart and woody harrelson could have his cornea.

I reckon I would be so pissed I would turn my printing press into a tardis and travel back in time and kick his arse really hard.

I'm just sayin'

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