Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Visa Ground Hog Day

so.. at the visa place...
 I get my visa (25$) and the lady gives me a wee print out thing and I am reading it while she is doing my payment and I notice it says valid until July 2013 so I am like... "hey!"
 and I say to the lady.. "HEY.... does this mean I don't need another visa until july 2013?"
 and she says "yes."
 and I say "so I am probably still covered from the last visa I had seeing as I went last Dec"
 and she says "yup."
And I am like.. "ummm"
and she is like.. "well, now you have the new one so it covers you now"
( e.g. I should have brought this up before as now I am already processed on the new one! GRRRRR)

and then I thought to myself, as I am sitting there in dumbfounded contemplation and comparing the travel agents to the tax department, I bet I didn't need to get the last one either seeing I would have already been covered from the one before.

GRRR bad people.
and so I think, well I am gonna put this piece of paper in my passport so next time I know I don't need to get one and this doesn't happen again.

So I open up my passport and there is a little piece of paper identical to the one I am putting in... so I am like GRRRR I did this exact thing last time!!!

So this time I think I need to put a sticky note on the outside of my passport that says DO NOT NEED TO GET VISA BEFORE JULY 2013!



  1. They need to do like rollover visa months... just add the ones left over from the last one to the new one...

  2. they need to have a system that alerts them to the fact the person applying for a visa already has one so do not issue another one and charge her again!
